How to stay productive in the heat….

The sun is shining and for once it seems that Mother Nature is listening to the calendar and we’re getting a bit of a summer (fingers crossed I’ve not jinxed it now). The sun works wonders, puts a spring in your step, a smile on your face… That is until you’re sat at...

How to negotiate your starting salary

Discussing money is always a delicate matter. As the recent gender pay gap revelations at the BBC shows, salaries can vary a great deal between two very similar roles. This variance is prevalent across all sectors and professions. To keep the salary for new positions...

I’ve got a job offer. Now what?

It is nice to be wanted. And career-wise nothing sends a stronger message than a job offer. Getting an offer is to be celebrated. There may have been hundreds of applicants and you’re the one who has been chosen. It tells you your CV was pretty impressive and your...

Career Transition vs Outplacement

The terms career transition and outplacement are often used in an interchangeable manner. While we call ourselves outplacement specialists some of our competitors refer to themselves as providing career transition services, others simply use both. But what is the...

I’m working from home – not skiving

Last summer after 10 years at my previous company I decided for various reasons that it was time for a change, a daily commute of over an hour each way, leaving the house at 6:30am and returning home, via picking children up from childcare, at around 6pm was a big...